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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment California

Alcoholism Alcohol Rehab Los Angeles

Alcohol is one of the most challenging drugs to get rid of. We sometimes perceive signals urging us to drink every inch of us. This might give an image that getting help for alcoholism is hopeless. Realizing that you are not alone is essential since there is real support. 

“In recent reports, almost 83% alcoholic patients after one year of therapy feel low or no alcohol craving/addiction.”

The ideal place to achieve sobriety is a trustworthy alcohol treatment facility. Where you may get the help and develop the skills you need to establish a healthy, fulfilling life without alcohol. We will cover all you need to know about alcohol treatment on this page, enabling you to take action on your way to recovery.

Benzodiazepine Addiction Benzo Addiction Treatment Los Angeles

In California, drug abuse is an ongoing problem, yet treatment for Benzo gives chances for recovery. You will get all the medical treatment, encouragement, and counsel necessary at House of Zen, leading to a healthy future.

What Are Benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines, or “benzos,” are drugs that have been prescribed to treat alcoholism and the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. These medications come in liquids that are injected, as well as tablets that can be ingested or dissolved below the tongue.

Opioid AddictionThe Opioid Addiction Crisis

Opioid addiction refers to long-term use of opioid drugs that significantly impairs the individual’s physical and mental health. Drug addiction disturbs your personal and social life. 

If you’re taking opioids on a doctor’s prescription, by over-the-counter medicine, or buying it online, or from some dealers, all opioids carry high-risk addiction. Frequent opioid use results in physical dependence, in which the body becomes dependent on the drug for regular functioning.

Cocaine AddictionWhat is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that originated from the coca plant and is commonly found as white powder or crystals (also known as “crack”). When snorted, smoked, or injected, it produces an instant spike of pleasure followed by a forceful comedown. Cocaine has been misused for more than a century, having been historically prevalent in the 80s and 90s.

There are two types:

  • The smokable “freebase.”
  • The water-soluble hydrochloride salt.

Marijuana AddictionSigns, Effects, and Treatment

Marijuana originated from the Cannabis sativa plant. It also has some familiar names such as weed, cannabis, grass, pot, herb, Mary Jane, and bud; it comes from dried parts of the plant. It includes THC, a euphoric substance that alters your brain functioning, similar to other drugs.

Staying free from addiction for life is possible with the right therapy and a positive perspective.

At HoZ, we feel the secret lies in a customized treatment plan that treats marijuana addiction symptoms. Our strategy fixes the underlying root cause of the problem and gives ongoing guidance in rehab for weed addiction.

Heroine AddictionWhat Is Heroin?

Heroin is a psychoactive painkiller made from the opium plant. A British chemist initially synthesized it in 1874 when he combined morphine with other substances for experimental purposes.
Today, heroin is typically found in the form of powder, which is usually brown, while pure heroin is white in color. The substance is often injected intravenously, but it may also be smoked, sniffed, or aspirated; these methods are typically used by newbies to the drug. The drug is also known by the names “brown,” “smack,” “junk,” “dope,” “tar,” “skag,” and “horse,” among others.

Crystal Meth Addiction Signs, Effects, and Treatment

Meth is an extremely addictive substance that can harm a person’s relationships and general well-being. People with an addiction to crystal meth may have severe complications for health. Still, evidence-based addiction therapy and methamphetamine treatment centers might be helpful in their recovery.
Active Euphoric Drugs Can Give Rise To Addiction, But Crystal Meth Is One Of The Most addictive and hazardous ones. Also Called “METHAMPHETAMINE.”

Fentanyl Addiction Fentanyl Effects On The Brain

Fentanyl inhibits pain signals in the spinal cord and various regions of the brain. Moreover, it raises dopamine synthesis, which is a neurotransmitter linked to inspiration, pain, and pleasure perception. It also attaches itself to the brain’s opioid receptors, stimulating sensations of calm and happiness while impairing the perception of pain and carbon dioxide.

Fentanyl’s effects can induce a coma-like condition in which a person is unable to breathe normally or react to pain sensations. Fentanyl has been used for fast pain management in emergency medicine because it may cross the blood-brain barrier faster than other opioids and enter the central nervous system rapidly.

What Is A Dual Diagnosis?

A dual diagnosis arises when a person suffers from one or more psychological conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression, or behavioral disorder) as well as one or more drug use addictions (such as opioid or alcohol abuse). Dual diagnoses are also known as co-occurring disorders or comorbidity.

A dual diagnosis includes both alcohol or drug overuse and underlying mental health problems. Using drugs or alcohol to self-medicate can make problems worse. Self-medicating can hide the symptoms of a mental health illness, therefore delaying the illness. Visit House of Zen to begin a journey toward complete recovery.