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The Top 10 Signs of Alcohol Addiction

December 27, 2024
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment California

Alcohol dependence is a rising problem that affects millions around the world and often takes lives without letting them know. What seems like causal shots with friends can turn into an addiction that negatively impacts relationships, peace of mind, and general health.

According to NSDUH research at 2023, a study reveals that approximately 224.3 million individual ages 12+ suffer from AUD or have serious alcohol related issues at certain points of their life.

So, identifying the signs of alcoholism early is essential for timely intervention and getting the right therapy near you.

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?

If you drink alcohol:

  • It travels in your bloodstream through your stomach and intestines, then goes into your organ systems, including your brain.
  • Your brain’s working capacity weakens, altering how you think, feel, and act. If you regularly drink alcohol, your brain becomes dependent on it.
  • It is because alcohol modifies chemicals functioning within your brain, specifically neurotransmitters. 

The Physical & Psychological Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can affect the body and mind, leading to psychological and physical changes that may disrupt everyday life. Here are the most common signs from which you can tell that someone in your life could be struggling with this issue.

#1. Changes In Appearance

Excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs could end up in physical changes that are difficult to neglect, including:

  • Instant weight fluctuations (gain and loss).
  • Sleep problems, like drowsiness or insomnia.
  • Unusual bruises or marks across the body.
  • Red eyes
  • Cold sweats, shaky hands, or sweaty palms.
  • A flushed or puffy face 
  • Pale skin tone
  • Recurring nausea or vomiting
  • Energy levels drained, and constant fatigue.

#2. Impact on Self-Esteem and Personality Changes

Alcohol dependence can have an impact on one’s confidence, which eventually changes a person’s personality. Like, people who consider themselves worthless may rely on alcohol to feel comfortable in social gatherings. Due to these feelings, their behavior is too loud and moody, with anger or frustration.

These changes cause relationships problems and a struggle to maintain the responsibilities of a professional or personal life.

#3. Being Unable to Stop Once You Start

Alcohol tolerance is usually high in those who are affected by alcohol addiction. After just one drink, some people may feel the effects of alcohol, but others who are dependent on alcohol may find it difficult to stop until they don’t have more. They don’t feel intoxicated after several beers.

Their tolerance will keep increasing over time. As a result, they will require progressively more alcohol to get the intended effects.

#4. Frequently Asking to Borrow Money

Signs that someone you care for may be struggling with addiction include sudden changes in behavior, such as frequently borrowing money from you without genuine reason. While asking money is not a problem, but when they ask daily, then it is a sign that can’t be neglected.

Paying attention to these minor actions reveals deeper secrets. .

#5. Most Time Spent Away From Home

A person may have an AUD if they’re making excuses regularly to go to the store but come back empty-handed. Similarly, going out for walks or cigarettes at random times or staying out for a prolonged time may also cause issues. These alterations in behavior or habit could mean they are having difficulties and might need support.

#6. Neglected to Handle Normal Responsibilities

For people with an alcohol dependence, social gatherings are centered around drinking. They will attend any gathering which involves alcohol and make it the mainstay of their social lives. Even family gatherings lose their importance when alcohol is only a concern.

Common social effects are: 

  • Losing friends because of the behaviour when drunk
  • Work performance is less efficient
  • Not paying attention to relationships and work
  • Being isolated from friends due to frequent interactions with people who drink heavily.

#7. Drinking as Stress Relief

A person who is dependent on drinking, then they will turn to alcohol as a way to relieve stress. If they are dealing with anger or anxiety, their first action is to reach for the nearest drink.

#8. Isolation and Secrecy

People who struggle with alcoholism frequently feel like they are withdrawn from social gatherings and separating themselves from their family and friends. The feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment can lead to concealing their drinking behaviors. 

This sense of loneliness may show signs such as a lack of social engagement, excuses to avoid conversation, or increased insecurity. 

#9. Experiencing Withdrawal 

Withdrawal hits when your system responds to the lack of alcohol, not to excessive use. When a person tries not to drink, the absence of alcohol may cause withdrawal symptoms such as stress, fatigue, irritability, nausea, or depression. Other signs could be trembling, appetite loss, or trouble sleeping. 

#10. When Quitting Alcohol Feels Impossible 

Do you find it challenging to stay away from alcohol? When you realize that you or your close one are addicted to drinking and find it hard to resist it. This sign clearly shows that a person needs the right therapy asap.

Treatment Options for Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism can be a challenge to deal with, but it’s also not difficult to treat. A healthy environment, a luxury support system, advanced therapy, and the skills to remain sober is all you needed. 

House of Zen provides a treatment option for those who are struggling with alcohol dependence. Our program is for both residential and outpatient people with different lifestyles. We believe in close bonds between “brothers” who can encourage the recovery process. Therefore, our treatment center focuses on connections to heal, hope, and love above all else.

If you or your loved one is suffering from a problem with alcohol, don’t feel insecure about contacting us now to start a life full of hope!


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