Got Questions? We Have Answers!

We can help you if you have queries regarding our services, need guidance with an issue, or simply curious in learning more for your loved one. Explore our treatment programs and heal yourself or your loved one!

Frequently Asked Questions

Starting life toward freedom from drugs is an overwhelming and courageous move. House of Zen knows that choosing therapy can be difficult, especially when you are taking drugs for too long with higher doses. But when you’re in good hands, who helped you cure both physically and mentally is essential. 

We’ve answered some frequently asked questions about our addiction treatment programs below. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call us at 844) 717-7069; our admissions staff will be here to help.

1- How do I get started with treatment at House of Zen?

It’s easy to get started on your healing journey with HOZ. You can use our website or phone number to contact our admissions team. They will support you in making your first move toward treatment, guide you through the initial assessment procedure, and respond to any concerns you may have.

We accept several payment methods, including cash and insurance coverage. Our finance experts may work with you to discuss all available solutions, including payment plans, so you can keep your treatment as cost-effective as possible.

The duration of treatment varies based on each patient’s needs and progression. Program lengths typically fluctuate between 35 and 90 days, but some people may need longer plans for their full recovery. 

You will meet with our physicians for a routine assessment. We can use this information to develop a treatment plan customized to you and your specific needs. This plan will be a roadmap for your entire treatment journey, outlining the steps and strategies we will use to help you recover.

You are permitted to bring your phone. However, its use can be limited during specific program sections to keep you focused on getting well. We promote open communication with family members while adhering to our treatment plan’s parameters.

House of Zen provides comprehensive therapy and treatment for substance use disorders, including alcoholism, drug addiction (prescription and illegal), and co-occurring mental health issues. Our programs are customized to each person’s unique needs.
Detoxification is the primary phase in our treatment procedure, in which your body is cleaned of toxic toxic substances. This professionally supervised procedure aids in managing withdrawal symptoms and prepares you for the subsequent phases of care. During detox, our staff looks out for your safety and comfort.
Friends and family play an invaluable part in the healing process. We provide family therapy sessions and set visiting hours so your loved ones may be a part of your recovery process. Please discuss the best manner to schedule appointments with your counselor.
After completing a treatment program at HOZ, you will be given ongoing encouragement through our aftercare planning. This includes having access to techniques, support networks, and outpatient programs to help you stay sober and flourish in your recovery.